Java LocalDateTime Tutorial with Examples

LocalDateTime class represent a date-time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2016-05-16T10:15:30, often viewed as year-month-day-hour-minute-second. Time is represented to nanosecond precision.

We can simply say that LocalDateTime class is a combination of the LocalDate and LocalTime class. This class is immutable and thread-safe.

Creating a LocalDateTime

We can create a LocalDateTime in several ways:
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

public class LocalDateTimeInitExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime localDT1 =;
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime1 : " + localDT1);

        LocalDateTime localDT2 =;
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime2 : " + localDT2);
        LocalDateTime localDT3 =;
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime3 : " + localDT3);
        LocalDateTime localDT4 = LocalDateTime.of(1980, 4, 9, 20, 15);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime4 : " + localDT4);
        LocalDateTime localDT5 = LocalDateTime.of(1980, Month.APRIL, 9, 20, 15);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime5 : " + localDT5);
        LocalDateTime localDT6 = LocalDateTime.of(1979, 12, 9, 18, 5, 50);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime6 : " + localDT6);
        LocalDateTime localDT7 = LocalDateTime.of(1979, Month.DECEMBER, 9, 18, 5, 50);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime7 : " + localDT7);
        LocalDateTime localDT8 = LocalDateTime.of(1983, 7, 12, 20, 15, 50, 345678900);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime8 : " + localDT8);
        LocalDateTime localDT9 = LocalDateTime.of(1983, Month.JULY, 12, 20, 15, 50, 345678900);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime9 : " + localDT9);
        LocalDateTime localDT10 = LocalDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(15, 50));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime10: " + localDT10);
        LocalDateTime localDT11 = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(1555552018, 456789500, ZoneOffset.UTC);
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime11: " + localDT11);
        LocalDateTime localDT12 = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(324142255123L), ZoneId.systemDefault());
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime12: " + localDT12);
        LocalDateTime localDT13 = LocalDateTime.parse("1945-08-17T10:20:45");
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime13: " + localDT13);
        LocalDateTime localDT14 = LocalDateTime.parse("20190824155025", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime14: " + localDT14);

LocalDateTime1 : 2019-08-24T16:01:45.629
LocalDateTime2 : 2019-08-24T08:01:45.630
LocalDateTime3 : 2019-08-24T16:01:45.630
LocalDateTime4 : 1980-04-09T20:15
LocalDateTime5 : 1980-04-09T20:15
LocalDateTime6 : 1979-12-09T18:05:50
LocalDateTime7 : 1979-12-09T18:05:50
LocalDateTime8 : 1983-07-12T20:15:50.345678900
LocalDateTime9 : 1983-07-12T20:15:50.345678900
LocalDateTime10: 2019-08-24T15:50
LocalDateTime11: 2019-04-18T01:46:58.456789500
LocalDateTime12: 1980-04-09T23:00:55.123
LocalDateTime13: 1945-08-17T10:20:45
LocalDateTime14: 2019-08-24T15:50:25

Getting Information from a LocalDateTime

Following methods can be used to access Date and/or Time information from a LocalDateTime:
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;

public class LocalDateTimeInfoExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime localDT =;
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime   : " + localDT);
        System.out.println("DayOfMonth      : " + localDT.getDayOfMonth());
        System.out.println("MonthValue      : " + localDT.getMonthValue());
        System.out.println("Year            : " + localDT.getYear());
        System.out.println("Hour            : " + localDT.getHour());
        System.out.println("Minute          : " + localDT.getMinute());
        System.out.println("Second          : " + localDT.getSecond());
        System.out.println("Nano            : " + localDT.getNano());
        System.out.println("DayOfWeek       : " + localDT.getDayOfWeek());
        System.out.println("Month           : " + localDT.getMonth());
        System.out.println("DayOfYear       : " + localDT.getDayOfYear());

        System.out.println("DAY_OF_MONTH    : " + localDT.get(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH));        
        System.out.println("MONTH_OF_YEAR   : " + localDT.get(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR));
        System.out.println("YEAR            : " + localDT.get(ChronoField.YEAR));
        System.out.println("HOUR_OF_DAY     : " + localDT.get(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY));        
        System.out.println("MINUTE_OF_HOUR  : " + localDT.get(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR));
        System.out.println("SECOND_OF_MINUTE: " + localDT.get(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE));
        System.out.println("MINUTE_OF_DAY   : " + localDT.getLong(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_DAY));
        System.out.println("SECOND_OF_DAY   : " + localDT.getLong(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_DAY));
        System.out.println("Chronology      : " + localDT.getChronology()); 
        System.out.println("toEpochSecond() : " + localDT.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC));

LocalDateTime   : 2019-08-25T20:22:59.564
DayOfMonth      : 25
MonthValue      : 8
Year            : 2019
Hour            : 20
Minute          : 22
Second          : 59
Nano            : 564000000
DayOfWeek       : SUNDAY
Month           : AUGUST
DayOfYear       : 237
DAY_OF_MONTH    : 25
YEAR            : 2019
HOUR_OF_DAY     : 20
MINUTE_OF_DAY   : 1222
SECOND_OF_DAY   : 73379
Chronology      : ISO
toEpochSecond() : 1566764579

Add/Subtract Operations on LocalDateTime

Following methods used for add/subtract operation in a LocalDateTime:
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;

public class LocalDateTimeAddSubstractExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime localDT = LocalDateTime.parse("1981-10-18T10:20:45");
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime       : " + localDT);
        // Adding/subtracting days
        System.out.println("10 days before      : " + localDT.minusDays(10));
        System.out.println("15 days later       : " + localDT.plusDays(15));
        // Adding/subtracting months
        System.out.println("Minus 4 months      : " + localDT.minusMonths(4));
        System.out.println("Plus 5 months       : " + localDT.plusMonths(5));
        // Adding/subtracting weeks
        System.out.println("Minus 20 weeks      : " + localDT.minusWeeks(20));
        System.out.println("Plus 30 weeks       : " + localDT.plusWeeks(30));
        // Adding/subtracting years
        System.out.println("Minus 12 years      : " + localDT.minusYears(12));
        System.out.println("Plus 4 years        : " + localDT.plusYears(4));
        // Adding/subtracting hours
        System.out.println("12 hours before     : " + localDT.minusHours(12));
        System.out.println("6 hours later       : " + localDT.plusHours(6));
        // Adding/subtracting minutes
        System.out.println("Minus 40 minutes    : " + localDT.minusMinutes(40));
        System.out.println("Plus 15 minutes     : " + localDT.plusMinutes(15));
        // Adding/subtracting seconds
        System.out.println("Minus 30 seconds    : " + localDT.minusSeconds(30));
        System.out.println("Plus 20 seconds     : " + localDT.plusSeconds(20));
        // Adding/subtracting Nanos
        System.out.println("Minus 20000 nanos   : " + localDT.minusNanos(20000));
        System.out.println("Plus 340000 nanos   : " + localDT.plusNanos(340000));
        // Using DAYS
        System.out.println("30 days before      : " + localDT.minus(30, ChronoUnit.DAYS));
        // Using WEEKS
        System.out.println("3 weeks before      : " + localDT.minus(3, ChronoUnit.WEEKS));
        // Using MONTHS
        System.out.println("6 months later      : " +, ChronoUnit.MONTHS));
        // Using YEARS
        System.out.println("2 years later       : " +, ChronoUnit.YEARS));
        // Using HOURS
        System.out.println("8 hours before      : " + localDT.minus(8, ChronoUnit.HOURS));
        // Using MINUTES
        System.out.println("35 minutes before   : " + localDT.minus(35, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
        // Using SECONDS
        System.out.println("125 seconds later   : " +, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));
        // Using NANOS
        System.out.println("42357500 nanos later: " +, ChronoUnit.NANOS));
        // Using TemporalAmount - Period 
        System.out.println("5 years later       : " +;
        // Using TemporalAmount - Duration 
        System.out.println("60 days before      : " + localDT.minus(Duration.ofDays(60)));
        System.out.println("160 minutes before  : " + localDT.minus(Duration.ofMinutes(160)));
        System.out.println("2 hours later       : " +;        

LocalDateTime       : 1981-10-18T10:20:45
10 days before      : 1981-10-08T10:20:45
15 days later       : 1981-11-02T10:20:45
Minus 4 months      : 1981-06-18T10:20:45
Plus 5 months       : 1982-03-18T10:20:45
Minus 20 weeks      : 1981-05-31T10:20:45
Plus 30 weeks       : 1982-05-16T10:20:45
Minus 12 years      : 1969-10-18T10:20:45
Plus 4 years        : 1985-10-18T10:20:45
12 hours before     : 1981-10-17T22:20:45
6 hours later       : 1981-10-18T16:20:45
Minus 40 minutes    : 1981-10-18T09:40:45
Plus 15 minutes     : 1981-10-18T10:35:45
Minus 30 seconds    : 1981-10-18T10:20:15
Plus 20 seconds     : 1981-10-18T10:21:05
Minus 20000 nanos   : 1981-10-18T10:20:44.999980
Plus 340000 nanos   : 1981-10-18T10:20:45.000340
30 days before      : 1981-09-18T10:20:45
3 weeks before      : 1981-09-27T10:20:45
6 months later      : 1982-04-18T10:20:45
2 years later       : 1983-10-18T10:20:45
8 hours before      : 1981-10-18T02:20:45
35 minutes before   : 1981-10-18T09:45:45
125 seconds later   : 1981-10-18T10:22:50
42357500 nanos later: 1981-10-18T10:20:45.042357500
5 years later       : 1986-10-18T10:20:45
60 days before      : 1981-08-19T10:20:45
160 minutes before  : 1981-10-18T07:40:45
2 hours later       : 1981-10-18T12:20:45

Comparing LocalDateTimes

LocalDateTime class implements interface ChronoLocalDateTime. Following methods can be use to compare two LocalDateTimes:
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

public class LocalDateTimeCompareExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime localDT1 = LocalDateTime.parse("1979-12-09T09:50:25");
        LocalDateTime localDT2 = LocalDateTime.parse("1980-04-09T09:50:25");
        LocalDateTime localDT3 = LocalDateTime.parse("19791209095025", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime1 after LocalDateTime2    : " + localDT1.isAfter(localDT2));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime1 before LocalDateTime2   : " + localDT1.isBefore(localDT2));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime1 equal LocalDateTime3    : " + localDT1.isEqual(localDT3));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime2 equal LocalDateTime3    : " + localDT2.isEqual(localDT3));

        System.out.println("LocalDateTime1 compareTo LocalDateTime2: " + localDT1.compareTo(localDT2));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime2 compareTo LocalDateTime1: " + localDT2.compareTo(localDT1));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime1 compareTo LocalDateTime3: " + localDT1.compareTo(localDT3));
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime3 compareTo LocalDateTime2: " + localDT3.compareTo(localDT2));

LocalDateTime1 after LocalDateTime2    : false
LocalDateTime1 before LocalDateTime2   : true
LocalDateTime1 equal LocalDateTime3    : true
LocalDateTime2 equal LocalDateTime3    : false
LocalDateTime1 compareTo LocalDateTime2: -1
LocalDateTime2 compareTo LocalDateTime1: 1
LocalDateTime1 compareTo LocalDateTime3: 0
LocalDateTime3 compareTo LocalDateTime2: -1

Supported Field and Unit of a LocalDateTime

Use isSupported(...) to check if a particular field/unit is supported in a LocalDateTime:
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;

public class LocalDateTimeIsSupportedExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime localDT =;

        System.out.println("*** ChronoField ***");
        for(ChronoField chronoField : ChronoField.values()){
            System.out.println(chronoField + " is supported:" + localDT.isSupported(chronoField));

        System.out.println("\n*** ChronoUnit ***");
        for(ChronoUnit chronoUnit : ChronoUnit.values()){
            System.out.println(chronoUnit + " is supported:" + localDT.isSupported(chronoUnit));

*** ChronoField ***
NanoOfSecond is supported:true
NanoOfDay is supported:true
MicroOfSecond is supported:true
MicroOfDay is supported:true
MilliOfSecond is supported:true
MilliOfDay is supported:true
SecondOfMinute is supported:true
SecondOfDay is supported:true
MinuteOfHour is supported:true
MinuteOfDay is supported:true
HourOfAmPm is supported:true
ClockHourOfAmPm is supported:true
HourOfDay is supported:true
ClockHourOfDay is supported:true
AmPmOfDay is supported:true
DayOfWeek is supported:true
AlignedDayOfWeekInMonth is supported:true
AlignedDayOfWeekInYear is supported:true
DayOfMonth is supported:true
DayOfYear is supported:true
EpochDay is supported:true
AlignedWeekOfMonth is supported:true
AlignedWeekOfYear is supported:true
MonthOfYear is supported:true
ProlepticMonth is supported:true
YearOfEra is supported:true
Year is supported:true
Era is supported:true
InstantSeconds is supported:false
OffsetSeconds is supported:false

*** ChronoUnit ***
Nanos is supported:true
Micros is supported:true
Millis is supported:true
Seconds is supported:true
Minutes is supported:true
Hours is supported:true
HalfDays is supported:true
Days is supported:true
Weeks is supported:true
Months is supported:true
Years is supported:true
Decades is supported:true
Centuries is supported:true
Millennia is supported:true
Eras is supported:true
Forever is supported:false

Convert a LocalDateTime to Another Class

Several methods exists to convert LocalDateTime to another class:
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;

public class LocalDateTimeToAnotherClassExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime localDT = LocalDateTime.parse("1947-08-07T10:20:45");
        System.out.println("LocalDateTime : " + localDT);
        OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = localDT.atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC);
        System.out.println("OffsetDateTime: " + offsetDateTime);
        ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = localDT.atZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Jakarta"));
        System.out.println("ZonedDateTime : " + zonedDateTime);
        LocalDate localDate = localDT.toLocalDate();
        System.out.println("LocalDate     : " + localDate);
        LocalTime localTime = localDT.toLocalTime();
        System.out.println("LocalTime     : " + localTime);
        Instant instant = localDT.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC);
        System.out.println("Instant       : " + instant);

LocalDateTime : 1947-08-07T10:20:45
OffsetDateTime: 1947-08-07T10:20:45Z
ZonedDateTime : 1947-08-07T10:20:45+07:30[Asia/Jakarta]
LocalDate     : 1947-08-07
LocalTime     : 10:20:45
Instant       : 1947-08-07T10:20:45Z