Source Codes
Source codes used at Dariawan Tutorials hosted at Github. The examples covers Java, Spring/Spring Boot, Web development and others. The list in group and alphabetical order:
Core Java Examples:
- java7-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-7
- java8-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-8
- java9-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-9
- java11-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-11
- java12-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-12
- java13-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-13
- java14-examples: Miscellaneous codes using JDK-14
- java-optional: code for Java Optional series
Spring Framework / Spring Boot Examples:
- bank-of-jakarta-v1: Bank of Jakarta, a sample of Spring Project
- core-spring-tutorials: Some samples in Core Spring Tutorials series
- spring-boot-jpa-hibernate-pgsql: Spring Boot + JPA/Hibernate + PostgreSQL RESTful CRUD API Example with SpringFox and Swagger
- spring-boot-quickstart: Samples to Getting Started With Spring Boot
- spring-boot-rest-springdoc-openapi: Documenting Spring Boot REST API with SpringDoc + OpenAPI 3
- spring-boot-freemarker-example: CRUD web application using Spring Boot + FreeMarker template engine
- spring-boot-mustache-example: CRUD web application using Spring Boot + Mustache template engine
- spring-boot-thymeleaf-example: CRUD web application using Spring Boot + Thymeleaf template engine
- spring-boot-websocket-examples: Spring Boot examples to create broadcast or chatting application using WebSocket, STOMP, and SockJS.
- spring-rest-examples: code for RESTful services using Spring Framework, Swagger, and RestAssured